Bidding is Closed! Final Bid $4500!

Bidding is Closed! Final Bid $4500!

Final Bid Closed at $4500! Really! Congratulations, BBPCB, on getting this piece of history! The final bid of $4,500.00 was submitted after a fast and furious competition ensued for the prison garb worn by former Governor Don Siegelman. Friends of Siegelman RIPPED THE SHIRT OFF HIS BACK to raise money for Steve Wimberly’s documentary, Atticus v. the Architect. Don Siegelman literally sold the shirt right off his back! The shirt was auctioned on EBay for considerably more money that was anticipated. Not many people have an authentic prison T-shirt worn by a “America’s #1 Political Prisoner”? Well, bidder bbpcb just paid $4500.00 to own this piece of history. Don Siegelman […]