About Friends of Siegelman

Friends of Siegleman is a group of volunteers who are composed of family, friends, and colleagues of the former Alabama Governor, Don Siegelman. We believe that he was unjustly politically prosecuted.

Simpson testifies Judge Fuller recruited to “hang” Siegelman

Simpson testifies Judge Fuller recruited to “hang” Siegelman

Jill Simpson Testifies to GOP conspiracy  Whistle Blower Simpson risks everything to expose conspiracy Earlier in the summer of 2007, an Alabama small town lawyer and lifelong republican operative, Jill Simpson, stepped up with a sworn affidavit that Rove was directing the Siegelman Prosecution in Alabama from the White House. The story of her sworn affidavit was published in the NYT and Time/CNN Online on June 1, 2007. On September 14 of that year, Jill Simpson testified before the House Judiciary Committee that  the Alabama GOP conspired to defeat an unbeatable political foe, the popular Alabama democrat Don Siegelman, with a trumped up political prosecution complete with a hanging judge. Moreover, she claimed it was directed from the White House […]

Leura Canary’s Undocumented Recusal: Was She lying? Where are the papers?

Leura Canary’s Undocumented Recusal: Was She lying? Where are the papers?

Leura Canary’s Undocumented Recusal  Was Leura Canary Lying about her Recusal? Where are the papers? It has been been 14 years since Leura Canary held a press conference stating that “out of an abundance of caution” she had decided to recuse herself from the Don Siegelman Prosecution. But the Siegelman/Scrushy team have never been able to uncover any recusal papers whatsoever in these many years. These procedures and its documentation are supposed to be public domain. All FOIA requests concerning these documents have been utterly ignored or sidelined. What is the DoJ hiding? The Department of Justice played a cat and mouse game with the Siegelman Defense team. In response to FOIA […]

Last Thanksgiving in Oakdale Federal Prison

Last Thanksgiving in Oakdale Federal Prison

Last Thanksgiving in Oakdale Federal Prison (hopefully) Don writes through Corrlinks to all who have stood by him all these years. Even from the depths of my dismal circumstances, I have so much to be thankful for. My friends and family are always first to come to mind. I am Blessed to have family members who have stuck by me and worked for my freedom, and friends like you who have done so much for me in every way possible for so long. I wish I could repay the many “gifts” you gave me Now, as my time draws near, my release date approaches, I wish I could somehow repay you for what […]

Rove and Gonzales Resigned White House Posts

Rove and Gonzales Resigned White House Posts

Rove, Followed by Scandal, Resigned The Architect of the Bush presidency resigned! Shocked White House watchers wonder how Bush 43 would function without Karl Rove. Chief Advisor to the president, Rove claimed he was leaving to spend more time at home. Most believed that impending investigations from the Senate Judiciary Committee dogging Rove as he vacated the West Wing were the real reason for leaving. He was wanted for questioning about his role in purging U.S. Attorneys who weren’t willing to bring partisan prosecutions for the championship of the republican party. As of June 2007, the Committee now wanted to question Rove about the Don Siegelman Prosecution, a prime example of political abuse of the Justice Department by “loyal Bushies.” […]